Saturday, December 7, 2013
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Monday, July 1, 2013
The New Studio
Welcome To My Studio
I finally got everything in place. . .
just in time for the Fort Collins Studio Art Tour
But it wasn't easy. . . .
Talk about starting with a blank canvas,
this room was a dark shade of blue and the moon light up top, has got to go.
Oriental rug, no studio should be without one
I love mine
shhhhh, I took it out of my dinning room.
arranging the paintings was the next step for my show room.
Every gallery or studio should have a show room where the lighting is just right,
just ask Eric Smith of Art Business News and the mind behind
Art Expo New York
Every gallery or studio should have a show room where the lighting is just right,
just ask Eric Smith of Art Business News and the mind behind
Art Expo New York
now to add lights
It's starting to look great
I decided to add some flowers and a small lounge to my show room,
ahhhhhh, yes very relaxing
now back to work
ok, maybe one more picture in this room,
This area is ready for the tour,
I made the lamp, it is called the idea
Mother's Love is on exhibit at the Lincoln Center Gallery
during the preview exhibit for the Fort Collins Studio Arts Tour
Some friends stop by during the studio tour to see me and to say hi to Zuri my studio mate.
we had quite a few visitors,
sorry I didn't have time to take picture of them all,
but here are a few
My new studio is all set up, the Studio Art Tour turned out great
everyone had a chance to see my new work area and I am loving my new place,
The front of my work space is split in two parts
I have a place to painting, to sculpt
hang paintings
and a show room
I also now have room for classes, I missed having students of my own.
My new studio is big enough for me to teach private lessons.
I am so excited, these were my first private students in my new studio, two sisters.
Life is wonderful
Monday, June 3, 2013
Page 1: Setting My Feet on a New and Exciting Path
The Christian Writer's Conferences
It all started when I met this women at the local christian book store:
I didn't know what to expect, at a Christian Writer's Conference
but, what I received I will cherish for eternity
Page 1: My desire to be totally surrender to God has been profound lately,
I would even say somewhat overwhelming
so before I left for the Art Expo in New York this past March
I made a promised to God that when I returned home, I was all His.
(yes, I speak verbally to Him)
That meant laying aside all that I am and picking up all that He is.
It was time for me to live a completely crucified life.
(For I am crucified with Christ never the less I live, not I, but Christ within me)
"it's not easy"
as you all know the first thing I did when I returned home was set up my new studio
then I sat to work on what God had given me.
If you know anything about how God works, then you know this was not something of my choosing, I like to paint and draw, period.
This required trust, faith and stepping outside of my comfort zone, into
(Thanks for letting me get that out, not a big fan. just ask anyone that has ever had to edit for me)
No, writing didn't just happen all of a sudden, I have been writing all along, just not for publishing.
I have known for sometime that God was moving me into something new.
However, I didn' t want to go. I am an ARTIST i.e. painter, sculptor,
sure I have written a play here and there, I enjoy writing poems, and music, (when the lyrics are not given to me at 2am)
Painting that's my thing,
I can paint with my eyes closed, my zone.
Writing on the other hand comes at you from ever angle, anytime, day or night.
It wakes you up when you would rather sleep (yes). So believe me, submission is crucial.
Not my will but yours
"My will does not want to get up to write great ideas that popped in my head for a story, or song at 4am"
Moving on: So, I started researching scriptures, (I tried to do it all on line),
not happening, I had to break out the
Not only did I have to read the scripture I was looking for, I also had to read the entire chapters before and after the event, and sometimes more.
I was not allowed to paint one painting for this book until I had the entire picture of what was really going on in the scriptures, from what happened, where it happened and why, (the back story).
Each painting required research, biblical and non-biblical.
Before starting the process I had to research all the scriptures on each subject.
This way I gained the clearest picture possible.
Creating the paintings for this book was different from the way I usually work on paintings,
I am always conscious of color, but with these painting I am even more intentional
about the colors I use.
I am always conscious of color, but with these painting I am even more intentional
about the colors I use.
As I presented them to people at the conference I was amazed at the response I received.
This is what I took with me to CCWC
Colorado Christian Writers Conference
It's entitle
"The Book Of Healing"
I had already begone the written portion of the book. I presented it with the scriptures and paintings along with a sample book proposal to agents and publishing editors during the conference. At the end of the conference two agents requested I send them the full proposal as well as four publishing editors.
One agent requested my children stories as well.
In my first workshop with Mr Shoemaker an author, he told us everything works in Gods timing. He stated if God told you to write the book then He would get it published, you just focus on doing what God told you to do.
Biggest impact, if you have a Middle schooler,
they should read his books.
This guy was awesome not just in form but in spirit.
My middle one went with me. Now, he is a writer
I am sure he will have a book published soon
he was great at taking notes
He really didn't know what to expect being surrounded by a bunch of adults.
But he had done a writer's workshops at the college.
he had a lot of fun
He met some amazing people that were interested in his book and writing. Well. . . , maybe not this Guy
But this guy. Ben was really cool,
He owns a flash fiction mag. He told Phillip to send him one of his stories that's under 1000 words.
Allison on the right was awesome and fun (Christian Women mag online), what a great spirit.
Rick was a great guy, he's an Author and illustrator.
We will definitely travel together on the mission field.
Becky has an amazing spirit and the voices to go with it.
Rusty Wright, if you ever get a chance to hear him speak take it,
he is a funny guy and he doesn't even try, it's a gift.
YMCA of the Rocky's
A beautiful view
I must say, I didn't know what to expect, but I got it and more.
There were so many wonderful people at the conference with amazingly open hearts.
I wish I could name and thank them all.
Workshop mates and instructor Diana.
Diana is an author and editor, at the far end of the table.
She's not a dancer but danced for us on Friday night and the feeling of complete submission to God flowed from her spirit and covered the room. (Wow, still remembering)
Heading into the summer with a fresh new desire.
I am still painting and sculpturing this summer
but writing is at the top of the list for this year
Where will this lead me, I don't know,
But I am not going to get off this path until God says well done.
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