For those you do not know,
I started writing this song many years ago sometime in my
late twenties along with other healing songs for my soul. God has released me now to share them
with others to promote healing. As
a Youth I was apart of the unaware and poorly informed crowd. I wanted to go to
college and I already had one child; I really didn’t think I could love another
as much. Now years later with two children more I know that that was a lie and
a seed planted by lack of faith an doubt in myself, my family and my God. I may
have had the choice, but I did not have the right. “Everything is permissible”—but not everything is
beneficial. “Everything is
permissible”—but not everything is constructive. 1 Cor. 10:23 NIV.
I have learned that I am not the one who gives life I was merely
the vessel that was chosen to bring that life into this world, I now know what
an honor that is.
In the mist of all the unwanted pregnancy and callus
treatment of human life, in the mist of us trying desperately to holed on to
youth, stay slim, eat right, save the world, protect animals, look good and
never die. In the mist of our
pretend evolution I find that without Christ, we have just unveiled the
barbarians that we truly are.
The world may say abortion is a women’s choice but it is a
death Unjustified.
“You are not your own; you were bought with a price.
Therefore honor God with your body”. 1 Cor. 6:20
Louise Cutler
Know that some choices are never forgotten.2/25/13
“I am crucified with Christ never the less I live not I but
God gave me these words this morning. My life is an open
book and belongs to the Lord to be used as He sees fit. I have run from my
destiny for a long time, only to be continually brought back to it. As of this
day I am a fully surrender being to God I am not perfect but I am
God had me create this video as a tool for His use. With all
of the insanity going on in the word today I believe God is calling for more
boldness from believes. No longer shall we hide in closets burying our passed
iniquities “for we over come by the blood of the Lamb and the words of our
testimony”. God has healed us, saved us and set us free from astounding things
that had us bound, we are to share them that others may be set free. “Let not
our will but His will be done”
So if you like the video please share it with others as a catalyst
of freedom.
Louise Cutler