Moving into a new space is always difficult, so
it helps if the new space is not to far from home. Change isn't always wanted; it often makes us
uncomfortable, but is needed for us to grow. So, It's best to ride the wave of change and
see where it takes you. You just may be as surprised as I was at what await you
on the shore.
Welcome to my new studio,
Well, actually it is a part of my home,
I just didn't realize how spectacular this space was until now.
As an artist it isn't easy finding a place to call home
For one, there isn't a lot of ready made studio spaces that will fit your personality
A studio space has to be made
So first we start with creating a workspace
As you can see I am not alone in my quest
visitor number 1
Getting my easel set up takes a lot of work.
It was handmade especially for me out of 100 year old walnut by my wonderful hubby
after we were married, yes that's him
"I love that guy"
I don't think I will ever get a chance to setup this workspace
visitor number 2
Easel up and in place
with added plants and lounge
Now lets hang some paintings
maybe not this one at least not yet
I think this one looks better over here
visitor number 3 worker in his drawing book
Working on a new series of paintings in my new home away from home in my home
That's saying a lot
I think I am going to like my new drawing/painting workspace
Painting workspace /Sculpting workspace
This new space has a lot more room
But that is not all. . . . there is more. . . . . stay tuned